Friday, June 27, 2014

Exterior House Painting: Which Colors to Choose

A a professional house painter, I often get asked, which colors should I choose? Well, that depends on a number of things
Hire a Exterior House Painter | (480) 232-5474
Hire a Exterior House Painter | (480) 232-5474

Exterior House Painting and Your HOA

Like them or not, homeowners associations are all part and parcel to a great many housing tracts in the Phoenix area. To keep up property values, a homeowner has to agree to a lot of caveats such as what plants they can plant and what landscaping is and is not acceptable, whether or not any flags can be displayed, and even what color to paint a home. However, before you get too upset with a HOA, some of their rules make sense. With some colors after all, less is more, and there is no nice way to say it, but some people have rather questionable taste.

The reason color wheels exist is to help you to avoid picking colors that clash with one another. Most people wouldn't want to live next to a house that was painted with orange and green vertical stripes, or a bright magenta house with fluorescent lime green trim and a yellow roof. That's where a house painter can help. A professional painter can look over your existing paint job as well as any rules that your HOA may have regarding exterior paint color schemes and pick an appropriate color, trim, and finish for your home. But what if you don't live in a neighborhood with an HOA?

Exterior Painting and Your Neighborhood

There is still a real need for professional house painting even in an non-HOA neighborhood. Why? Well, you want your home to fit into the aesthetics of the rest of the neighborhood. The reason that a lot of paint colors are used repetitively in the southwest is the fact that there are certain colors you don't want to use. Darker colors, for example, draw heat, and make your home a lot more expensive to cool down in the summer. With some color choices, less is more. if you paint your home lavender with purple trim, people are going to wonder when the clown car is going to pull out of the garage or carport. Pink and white belong in an ice cream parlor or at a tea party house that you can take your daughter to.
So remember, you want to make sure that your home looks its best. Keep up your house and yard, and make sure that you have a paint job that adds to and doesn't take away from your neighborhood. And to help with this, hire a exterior house painter
Ameripro of Gilbert
3038 East Des Moines St
Mesa, AZ 85213
(480) 232-5474

Friday, June 20, 2014

The Right Interior Paint: Color and More

The right interior paint is one part of making your home an elegant residence.  Does paint really make that much of a difference?  In a word, yes.
Interior Painting Gilbert | (480) 232-5474
Interior Painting Gilbert | (480) 232-5474

Interior House Painting and Transforming a Room

It takes several elements working together to make a room look its very best.  If you decorate the right way, your room can be a living space that adds to the overall flow of the house.  If you decorate the wrong way, your room will be an eyesore. And even though you may say you love it, deep down your fingers are itching to make a change.  That's where interior painting comes in.  Something as simple and affordable as a fresh coat of paint and a vibrant color change can make even regular visitors to your home do a double take.  Take a look at the colors of the Southwest for example.
We know what you're thinking.  When most people think of  southwestern colors, they automatically think back to the 1980's with those garish pinks and turquoises.  However, the southwest is full of colors that you can use.  The deep russet red of a Navajo rug.  The saffron gold color of a California poppy.  The tans, browns and oranges of the desert cliffs.  The blue of a mountain lake.  the purple and magenta of the Superstition Mountains.  The olive green color of a Yucca plant.  All of these and more are all part of a color palette that you can use to redecorate your home.  When in doubt, ask your decorator or your professional house painter for tips.

Is a New Paint Job All You Need to Redecorate?

Is a new paint job all you need to redecorate?  What trips a lot of people up with painting is that paint is just one step.  You also want a nice finish on the paint to add both look and texture to the base color.  And remember, the paint is for the walls, the cabinetry and accent areas. If you don't already have some, you will still need furniture, and other things to decorate your room, and add to its overall ambiance.
There are several ways to redecorate.  New furniture is one.  Buying a few throw rugs and some plants is another.  But one of the best ways that you can redecorate is to hire a house painter in your area.
Ameripro of Gilbert
3038 East Des Moines St
Mesa, AZ 85213
(480) 232-5474

Friday, June 13, 2014

Exterior House Painting: What it Entails

Exterior house painting isn't just for a great look, it also helps to protect a building from insects, mold, and other damage.
Call your Professional House Painter | (480) 232-5474
Call your Professional House Painter | (480) 232-5474

Painting Your Home and the Tools of the Trade

House painters need to know more than you might think. According to Wikipedia: Professional painters need to have keen knowledge of tools of the trade, including sanders, scrapers, paint sprayers,brushes, paint rollers, ladders and scaffolding, in addition to just the paint in order to correctly complete work. Much preparation needs to be considered before simply applying paint. For instance, taping and dropcloth techniques, sizes of brushes or rollers, material types or dimensions of rollers or brushes (there are different sizes or types of brushes and rollers for different paints), amount of paint, number of paint coats, amount of primer, types of primers and paints, certain grits and cuts of sandpaper, trim cutting (the act of painting with a brush on the outline of baseboard, mouldings and other trim work), wallpaper removal, and nail-hole filling techniques. [READ MORE]
And while some people claim that paint is paint, sometimes, it isn't.  For example, while you may find a color that you like in a type or brand of paint, and at several million colors, the odds are great, how do you know if the paint is durable?  We had a customer once who found an acrylic color that she really loved.  It would have worked fine in an indoor setting, but even with a clear coat, after just about a year, the paint starting flaking and chipping.  As a result, what was a pretty red trim soon became an eyesore.  And sometimes, people make a lot of mistakes with the trim of their house.

Trim Painting Do's and Don'ts

Trim should highlight and complement the paint job of your home or business, not draw focus from it. For example, if you have a white home, painting your trim in a garish color will cause people to wince. One client liked olive green for his exterior color, but he went with a carnation pink trim. This color combination only works in flower beds, not in house paint choices.
So remember, painting is more than matching colors and getting samples. You have to pick paint that will work for outdoors and indoors, and color choices that work well together. And uou want a professional's help in painting your home.
Ameripro of Gilbert
3038 East Des Moines St
Mesa, AZ 85213
(480) 232-5474

Friday, June 6, 2014

Cabinet Painting

professional house painter can do more than paint the outside of your home, or give your living room a brand new look.  It may surprise you to know what he can do.
Painting Your Cabinets Give Them a Fresh Look |  (480) 232-5474
Painting Your Cabinets Give Them a Fresh Look | (480) 232-5474

Why Should You Consider Painting Your Cabinets?

Why should you consider painting your cabinets?  Well for one, it is a much more economical option than buying all new ones, and cabinets are scattered throughout a lot of people's homes.  For example, your kitchen has them as does your bathroom obviously, but what about your garage.  All of these areas could do with a new paint job, particularly if it's been a long time since they were last taken care of.  And it is truly amazing what a coat of paint can do even if it is just on your cabinetry.
For example, you could paint your kitchen cabinets a sunny saffron yellow to start your day off with a bright start, or paint your kitchen cabinets a sand color to give your bathroom a nautical or seaside touch.  Cabinet painting  is only limited based on your imagination and your color scheme.

What Colors Should You Pick for Each Room?

What colors should you pick for each room?  Well, be aware of just a few things.  You want to match complementary colors together.  For example, if you love purple, and your significant other loves green and you decide to mix the two colors in the same room, you're going to make people wince.  However, if you mix purple and blue together, they are obviously a much better match.  Sometimes, it isn't just color scheme that's important, it's what you want the room to feel like.
Earth tones are homey and versatile.  Vibrant scarlet reds and oranges work well in entry areas and kitchens, but can be too much in a bedroom area.  In a room that receives abundant natural light, you want to go mid range on your color choices, and not go too bright, and inversely in a room that doesn't get a lot of light, you want to go with brighter colors and probably use something like a gloss white.  These rules work well with cabinets, and you have a few more rules where they're concerned.  Remember that cabinets should be a part of the room, not the main focus of the room.  You want people to see the cabinets and they should accentuate the room.
Just remember, you want to get the right person for the job.  And a house painter is definitely the right person.
Ameripro of Gilbert
3038 East Des Moines St
Mesa, AZ 85213
(480) 232-5474